All about Linux Permissions

Rangika Kavishka
10 min readAug 6, 2023


Linux permissions are a critical aspect of the operating system’s security model. They control access to files and directories, determining which users can read, write, or execute specific files. Understanding and properly managing permissions is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of a Linux system. Linux permissions are represented by a combination of letters and numbers, such as “rwxr-xr — “ for files and “drwxr-xr-x” for directories. Let’s break down the components and meanings of Linux permissions:

1. User, Group, and Others:
In Linux file permissions, there are three distinct categories of users:

1. User (u):
• The “user” category refers to the owner of the file or directory. It represents the person who created the file or directory and has the most control over it.
• The user is identified by the username associated with the file or directory. The owner has the ability to set and modify permissions, as well as read, write, and execute the file or directory.

2. Group (g):
• The “group” category includes users who belong to the same group as the file or directory. A group is a collection of users with similar access requirements.
• When a file or directory is created, it inherits the group ownership of the parent directory. This allows multiple users with the same access needs to share and collaborate on files.
• Group members can be granted specific permissions, such as read, write, and execute, depending on the group settings.

3. Others (o):
• The “others” category refers to any user who is not the owner (user) or a member of the group associated with the file or directory.
• These are users who are not part of the file’s owner or group. They have the most restricted access to the file or directory, often limited to read-only access.
• By default, files and directories have specific permissions for others to restrict unauthorized access.

Linux file permissions are set independently for each of these three categories. When viewing permissions using the `ls -l` command, the permission string consists of three sets of three characters each, representing the permissions for user, group, and others, respectively. For example, the permission string “rw-r — r — “ indicates that the owner has read and write permissions, the group has read-only permissions, and others have read-only permissions.

Properly configuring user, group, and other permissions ensures that access to files and directories is controlled based on the needs of different users, contributing to the security and privacy of the Linux system.

2. File Types:
In Linux, files can be categorized into different types based on their characteristics and functions. The file types are denoted by a single character in the file permissions when listing files with the `ls -l` command. Let’s go over each of the file types:

1. Regular file (-):
• The regular file is the most common and standard type of file found on Linux systems.
• It stores data, such as text, binary data, images, documents, and executable programs.
• Regular files can be read, written to, and executed (if they are executable programs) based on the permissions granted to the user, group, and others.

2. Directory (d):
• The directory is a special type of file that acts as a container for other files and directories.
• It organizes the file system hierarchy, allowing users to create and organize files and directories within it.
• Directories can be traversed (entered) and read to list the files and subdirectories they contain.

3. Symbolic link (l):
• A symbolic link, also known as a symlink or soft link, is a reference to another file or directory in the file system.
• Instead of containing actual data, a symbolic link points to the location of the target file or directory.
• Symbolic links are useful for creating shortcuts or pointing to files in different locations, providing flexibility and ease of access.

4. Character device (c) and Block device (b):
• Character devices (c) and block devices (b) are special files used to interact with hardware devices in Linux.
• Character devices represent devices that operate on a character-by-character basis, such as terminals, serial ports, or mice.
• Block devices represent devices that operate on fixed-size blocks of data, such as hard drives or USB drives.
• These device files allow users and applications to communicate with hardware devices through standardized interfaces.

The file type, along with the file permissions, plays a crucial role in determining how files and directories can be accessed and used on a Linux system. Understanding file types helps users identify and interact with different files and devices effectively, ensuring the proper management and utilization of resources on the system.

3. Permission Categories:
The permission categories in Linux are essential for controlling access to files and directories. Each permission category (user, group, and others) has three permission types: read (r), write (w), and execute (x). These permissions determine what actions a user can perform on a file or directory. Let’s further elaborate on each permission category:

1. Read (r):
• Read permission (denoted by “r”) allows a user to view the content of a file or list the files and subdirectories within a directory.
• For regular files, read permission enables users to read the file’s contents.
• For directories, read permission allows users to see the names of files and subdirectories contained within the directory but does not permit them to modify or access the files.

2. Write (w):
• Write permission (denoted by “w”) allows a user to modify the content of a file or create, delete, and rename files within a directory.
• For regular files, write permission enables users to modify the file’s contents.
• For directories, write permission allows users to add, remove, or rename files and subdirectories within the directory.

3. Execute (x):
• Execute permission (denoted by “x”) grants a user the ability to execute a file as a program or traverse (enter) a directory.
• For regular files, execute permission allows users to run executable files or scripts.
• For directories, execute permission allows users to access and enter the directory to reach files and subdirectories contained within it.

The combination of these three permissions (read, write, and execute) for each permission category (user, group, and others) forms the nine-character permission string displayed when using the `ls -l` command. For example, “rw-r — r — “ indicates that the file grants read and write permissions to the user, and read-only permissions to the group and others.

Properly managing permissions is essential for maintaining the security and integrity of files and directories on a Linux system. By granting appropriate permissions to users and groups, administrators can control access to sensitive data and ensure that users have the necessary permissions to perform their tasks while preventing unauthorized access or modifications.

4. Numeric Representation:
The numeric representation of Linux file permissions simplifies the permission settings by using a three-bit binary number for each permission category (user, group, and others). Each permission (read, write, and execute) is assigned a specific numeric value as follows:

1. Read (r) is represented by 4:
• When read permission is granted, the numeric value is 4.

2. Write (w) is represented by 2:
• When write permission is granted, the numeric value is 2.

3. Execute (x) is represented by 1:
• When execute permission is granted, the numeric value is 1.

To calculate the total numeric value for a permission set, you add the corresponding values for read, write, and execute. For example:

- ”rwx” (read, write, and execute) is represented as 4 + 2 + 1 = 7.
- ”rw-” (read and write, but no execute) is represented as 4 + 2 + 0 = 6.
- ”r-x” (read and execute, but no write) is represented as 4 + 0 + 1 = 5.
- ”r — “ (read-only, no write or execute) is represented as 4 + 0 + 0 = 4.

Using the numeric representation simplifies the process of setting permissions, especially when using the `chmod` command. Instead of dealing with letters like “r,” “w,” and “x,” you can directly use the total numeric value to specify the desired permissions for a file or directory.

For example, to grant read and write permissions to the user (user category) and read-only permissions to the group and others, you can use the numeric representation as follows:

This sets the permissions for “file.txt” to “rw-r — r — “ in symbolic representation, and the numeric representation (644) is equivalent to 6 + 4 + 4. Numeric representation offers a concise and straightforward way to manage file permissions on Linux systems.

5. Setting and Changing Permissions:
Setting and changing permissions on files and directories in Linux is done using the `chmod` command. The command allows users to modify the read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions for the user, group, and others. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to view and change permissions:

  1. Viewing Permissions:
    • To view permissions, use the `ls -l` command in the terminal.
    • Example:

• The output will display the permissions as a string, such as “drwxr-xr-x,” where the first character indicates the file type (e.g., “d” for directory), followed by nine characters representing permissions for user, group, and others.

2. Changing Permissions using chmod:
• The `chmod` command allows you to modify permissions for files and directories. You can use either the symbolic or numeric representation of permissions.

Using Symbolic Representation:
• To add or remove permissions, use the following format:
chmod who(+|-)permissions file/directory
where “who” can be u (user), g (group), o (others), or a (all).
• For example, to grant read and write permissions to the owner of a file:

  • To remove execute permission for others on a directory:

chmod o-x directory/

Using Numeric Representation:
• The numeric representation allows you to set permissions using a three-digit number.
• Each permission (read, write, and execute) is represented by a numeric value (4 for read, 2 for write, 1 for execute).
• To change permissions using numeric representation, assign the total numeric value to the user, group, and others as follows:

chmod XYZ file/directory

where X is the numeric value for user, Y is for group, and Z is for others.
• For example, to grant read and write permissions to the user (4 + 2 = 6) and read-only permissions to the group and others (4):

Always exercise caution when changing permissions, especially for system files and directories, to avoid unintentional security issues. Understanding how to view and change permissions is essential for effectively managing access to files and directories on your Linux system.

6. Special Permissions:
Special permissions, also known as “special modes” or “setuid,” “setgid,” and “sticky bit,” are additional attributes that can be set on files and directories in Linux. These special permissions provide advanced control over how certain processes and users interact with files and directories. Let’s explore each of these special permissions in more detail:

1. SetUID (Set User ID) — represented by “s” or “4”:
• When the SetUID permission is set on an executable file, it allows the user who runs the program to temporarily acquire the owner’s permissions while executing the file.
• SetUID is commonly used for programs that need to access resources that are restricted to certain users or require elevated privileges during execution.
• In the permission string, the SetUID bit is represented by “s” in place of the “x” (execute) permission for the owner.
• Numeric representation: 4.

2. SetGID (Set Group ID) — represented by “s” or “2”:
• When the SetGID permission is set on an executable file, it allows the user who runs the program to temporarily acquire the group’s permissions while executing the file.
• SetGID is often used in scenarios where multiple users need to work collaboratively on files and require shared group permissions during execution.
• In the permission string, the SetGID bit is represented by “s” in place of the “x” (execute) permission for the group.
• Numeric representation: 2.

3. Sticky Bit — represented by “t” or “1”:
• The Sticky Bit is primarily used on directories to restrict the deletion or renaming of files within that directory to only the file’s owner.
• When the Sticky Bit is set on a directory, users with write permissions can only delete or rename files that they own. Other users cannot delete or rename files owned by someone else, even if they have write permissions on the directory.
• The Sticky Bit is commonly used on directories that are shared and require restricted deletion access, such as the /tmp directory.
• In the permission string, the Sticky Bit is represented by “t” in place of the “x” (execute) permission for others.
• Numeric representation: 1.

Setting special permissions is done using the `chmod` command in combination with the symbolic representation. For example, to set the SetUID permission on an executable file, use:

chmod u+s filename

Or, to set the Sticky Bit on a directory:

chmod +t directoryname

Understanding and properly using special permissions are essential for security and access control, especially in scenarios where specific privileges are required for executing programs or managing shared directories with restricted file deletion capabilities.

Linux permissions play a crucial role in securing files and directories, ensuring that only authorized users can access and modify sensitive data. It’s essential to understand how to set and modify permissions correctly to maintain a secure and well-organized Linux system. Additionally, combining permissions with proper user groups and user management helps create a robust access control mechanism.

Stay tuned for more stuff. GG!!



Rangika Kavishka
Rangika Kavishka

Written by Rangika Kavishka

I'm a Content creator that creating IT related content. I'm passionate for Linux, Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, IoT, Networking and etc.

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